Dog Portraits - English Springer Spaniel Pet Portraits

Welcome to our English Springer Spaniel Portrait by professional artists Nicholas Beall of Banjo the English Springer Spaniel. Our page below gives plenty of information about our dog portraits, photographs, and testimonial of the pet portraits commission of Banjo. If you are looking to have an oil painting made of your English Springer Spaniel, we would love to see photos of them and hear your ideas for an oil painting. Nicholas does have a waiting list and only takes on a set number of commissions per year, so do feel free to drop us a line letting us know your requirements. We can chat to you about your pet portrait and ideas.

English Springer Spaniel Pet Portraits by Nicholas Beall

Commission of 'Banjo' - English Springer Spaniel Pet Portraits

Pet portraits reference photos

Sherry Wasserman, USA contacted us in 2011 to ask about our English Springer Spaniel Pet Portraits. She wanted to find out if Nicholas could paint a portrait from a photo she had taken of her dog Banjo jumping out of the sea. It was a perfect pose and Nicholas knew immediately it would make a wonderful painting.

Nicholas loves to see as many photos as you have of your pets when working from them for his oil paintings. He does try to work solely form one main photo for the pose, so if you have a favourite photos of your English Springer Spaniel that you feel captures them well, we would love to see it! You can see the amazing photo of Banjo below that our client took on the left, she was a great photographer to capture that pose! Perfect for a painting.

We know how difficult it is to take photos of dogs when they are sat still, so we were thrilled to see such a fantastic action pose. Nicholas painted the portrait at 30 x 20 size which was a perfect size for this pose as it really feels as though Banjo is jumping out of the sea and out of the painting. Sherry very kindly took a photo when the portrait was framed, we think the frame works beautifully! We received two lovely emails from Sherry during the pet portraits process along with when she received her pet portrait. She took a photo of the oil painting once it was framed and sent us a copy to see, which we have added below. We are always thrilled when clients send photos of their portraits framed, it enables us to not only see what the completed portrait is like, sometimes clients send us photos of the paintings displayed in their home which is really special.

Melanie and Nicholas
.....It looks terrific!  Wow!  I can't wait to see it "live"!......I will definitely send you a photo once it is framed.
Sherry Wasserman

Dear Nicholas,
I think you will be equally impressed on the Framer's artistry. Very exciting to watch!
Sherry Wasserman

Nicholas with the painting

I took a photo of Nicholas in our garden on a beautiful sunny day with the English Springer Spaniel portrait of Banjo as it really helped to show off the colours of the painting well.

spaniel pet portraits with Nicholas Beall English Springer Spaniel Pet Portraits by Nicholas Beall


English Springer Spaniel Pet Portraits

If you would like Nicholas to paint a portrait of your English Springer Spaniel, we would love to work with you. You are more than welcome to send us photos for us to see at any time, why not contact us via our pet portraits contact page.

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